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Cancelling and Reinstating Your GMAT™ Score

Choose to Cancel or Report Your GMAT Score After Your Exam

When you complete your exam, you will see your unofficial GMAT scores – Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, and Total. You will be given two (2) minutes to decide whether to cancel or accept your score. If the time expires before you make a selection, your score will be automatically canceled.

Be ready to make this decision before you sit down to take the GMAT exam. Set a target minimum score so you can make your decision to cancel in the time allowed. Know the policies and preferences of your target schools. Some schools like to see all scores from all sittings of the GMAT exam, while other schools are fine to only see your best score.

If you accepted your scores at the test center, you have the option to cancel your accepted score online up to 72 hours after the completion of your exam. You may cancel your score by logging into your mba.com account. This option to cancel may take up to 24 hours to appear, depending on the location of your test center. There is a fee to cancel scores after leaving the test center.

What happens when you cancel your scores?

  • Your scores will not be sent to any of the schools you selected.
  • You will not receive a printed copy of your unofficial scores at the test center.
  • You will not be able to access your official score report.

You must wait 16 calendar days to retake the exam. If you purchase an Additional Score Report within the 72-hour cancellation period, you will not be able to cancel your score online.

Your score may also be cancelled at the sole discretion of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the global non-profit council of business schools and administrator of the GMAT exam, and/or Pearson VUE.

Can I reinstate my score if I cancel it?

Yes, you may reinstate a previously canceled score for a fee. To reinstate your score, log into your mba.com account.

Note the following:

  • Canceled scores can be reinstated up to four years and 11 months from the exam date. (This time frame accounts for the five-year validity of a GMAT exam score, with a one month allowance for processing.)
  • If a score is reinstated, the score report will be sent to the initial list of schools that you selected on test day. You cannot modify the list. You will, however, be able to be able to view the list of schools receiving your reinstated score prior to confirming the reinstatement.
  • You can purchase Additional Score Reports to send your reinstated scores to other schools.

If you believe that you should be able to cancel or reinstate your score, but are unable to do so, contact GMAC Customer Service.

Do you believe something went wrong at your test center?

Along with our service provider, Pearson VUE, we make every effort to ensure that GMAT test registration and scheduling information is properly processed, and that GMAT tests are properly prepared, handled, administered, and scored. In the unlikely event that an error occurs in the preparation, handling, administration, processing, or scoring of your GMAT exam, or in the reporting of your GMAT scores, GMAC and/or Pearson VUE will make reasonable efforts to correct the error. If the error cannot be corrected, you may reschedule your appointment at no additional fee or request a refund. Contact GMAC Customer Service if you need to discuss a registration, scheduling, or score processing error.

The GMAT exam helps you stand out during the admissions process. Take the one business school exam that elevates you from the rest of the pack.

If test centers are closed in your area due to the COVID-19 pandemic, consider taking the GMAT Online Exam, an interim, proctored exam that you can take in the comfort of your home.

