Data Points from Alumni to Give You Confidence in Your B-School Investment

You should have confidence in your decision to invest in a graduate management education.
There’s a lot to think about before making the decision to invest your time, energy, and money into a graduate management education. You can draw confidence from the fact that millions of people before you have taken the GMAT exam and found professional success through completing a graduate business degree. Each year, GMAC Research surveys thousands of business school alumni working around the world to gain their perspective on the value of their education and quantify their post-graduation career progression. Here are three data points from this year’s survey that should give you confidence in your decision to invest in a graduate management education.
Nearly all rate the value of their degree as good to outstanding
Of the nearly 11,000 alumni that responded to this year’s survey, 96 percent rate the value of their education as good to outstanding—a three or greater on a five-point scale. Nearly 4 in 5 alumni (79%) rate the value of their education as excellent or outstanding—a four or greater on a five-point scale.
More specifically, the vast majority of global alumni agree that their graduate management education was rewarding personally (94%) and professionally (89%)—a finding consistent across graduation years. Alumni perceptions of the financial value of their degree increases as they progress in their careers and earn greater salaries. Among alumni that graduated between 2011 and 2015, 71 percent agree their degree was financially rewarding, compared with 82 percent of alumni that graduated between 1991 and 2000.
Nearly all would recruit a student from their alma mater for a job
Overall, 95 percent of responding alumni indicate that they would recruit a student for a job opening from their alma mater. This should give you confidence in your decision to pursue a graduate management education not only because it demonstrates the value employers see in business school graduates, but because it demonstrates the power of network to drive your career progression. Being a part of a business school network can be an incredible resource as you navigate job opportunities in the future. Overall, 75 percent of alumni agree that their graduate management education developed their professional network. Interestingly, an even higher percentage of 2016 and 2017 graduates say the same (83%), an indication of the increasing emphasis business schools have placed on network development in recent years.
Nearly all would do it all again
Knowing all that they know now—considering everything they put into earning their degree and everything they got out of it—would business school alumni make the same decision again? The vast majority (93%) say that they would still make the same decision to earn their graduate business degree. Just shy of 3 in 4 (72%) say "definitely yes", and an additional 21 percent say "probably yes".
Will you be among the next generation of business school graduates to reap the benefits of a graduate management education? Start your journey to business school today by using the Program Finder to search for programs by location, degree type, program length, and format to find the programs that are the best fit for you and your goals.
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