{"configuration":{"htmltitle":"Your GMAT Enhanced Score Report","languages":"Global|en,China|zh-CN","offline":"false","offlinemessage":"This site is temporarily unavailable","surveylink":"https://www.mba.com/ESR-Survey?","surveyon":"true","surveypopuponlyonce":"false","surveypopupopendelay":"9000","surveypopupclosedelay":"20000"},"textonly":{"definition":null,"minutes":"minutes","percentile":"percentile","ir":{"irscore":"You answered {0}% of Integrated Reasoning questions correctly."},"verbal":{"header1":"Time Management - Verbal","header2":"Verbal performance progression:","header3":"Difficulty of verbal questions answered:","header4":"Verbal time management:","difficultydefinition":"Average Difficulty of questions answered correctly/incorrectly broken down into four sections.","timemanagementdefinition":"Average time per correct response:"},"quant":{"header1":"Time Management - Quantitative","header2":"Quantitative performance progression:","header3":"Difficulty of quantitative questions answered:","header4":"Quantitative time management:\n","difficultydefinition":"Average Difficulty of questions answered correctly/incorrectly broken down into four sections.","timemanagementdefinition":"Average time per correct response:"}},"header":{"title":"Your GMATTM Enhanced Score Report","notofficialnotice":"This is NOT an official score report.","appointmentid":"APPOINTMENT ID:","createdfor":"CREATED FOR:"},"landingpage":{"title":"GMAT Enhanced Score Reporting web site.","body":"

You have reached the GMAT Enhanced Scoring report web site.


If your activation code has expired, you will need to request a new one. Login to your mba.com account, click on the My GMAT and Scores page, and then click on the Get Link button next to the your appointment.


If you would like to learn more about the GMAT® Enhanced Score report, please click here.

\n","accessdenied":"Access Denied","error":"An error occurred","pagenotfound":"Page not found"},"overalltab":{"title":"GMAT Exam","overall":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your score of {0} is higher than {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean GMAT Total Score is {2}.","overallbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean GMAT Total Score is {2}.","section":"Your score of {0} is higher than {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}.","sectionbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}."},"title":"Overall GMAT Exam Performance","totaltitle":"Your GMAT Total Score:","irtitle":"Your IR Score:","verbaltitle":"Your Verbal Score:","quanttitle":"Your Quantitative Score:","awascorenotavailable":"Please Note: The AWA Score for this GMAT Exam will appear within 24 hours of the exam scores being made official. If the score has been cancelled for any reason, the information will not appear in the Enhanced Score Report.","awatitle":"Your AWA Score:","bottomofchart":"PERCENTILE RANKINGS COMPARE YOUR PERFORMANCE TO 3 YEARS OF GMAT EXAMS","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking","samplesize":"Sample Size:"},"timemanagement":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your mean response time for {0} questions was {1} minutes. The Mean response time for this section is {2} minutes."},"title":"Time Management By Section","topofchart":"YOUR MEAN RESPONSE TIME PER QUESTION","irtitle":"Integrated Reasoning","verbaltitle":"Verbal","quanttitle":"Quantitative"},"summary":{"title":"Summary"},"sidebar":{"meanscore":{"title":"Mean Score","scoretitle":"Mean Score:","percentile":"percentile","body":"



\n The three year mean GMAT Total score is {0}. This score is better than\n {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years.\n


\n Note: GMAT scores are valid for five years. Even though your score won’t change, your percentile ranking may change when compared\n with a newer pool of applicants. Shifts tend to be gradual over long periods of time.\n

\n"},"meantime":{"title":"Mean Time","totaltitle":"Mean Time For All Test Takers:","minutes":"minutes","body":"



\n For all GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years the mean time to complete a question in the Integrated Reasoning,\n Verbal, and Quantitative sections is {0} minutes.\n

\n"}}},"irtab":{"title":"Integrated Reasoning (IR)","sectionnotcompleted":"Integrated Reasoning Section results are not available because you did not complete this section.","overall":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your IR score of {0} is higher than {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}.","overallbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}.","correct":"You answered {0}% of Integrated Reasoning questions correctly."},"title":"Integrated Reasoning Performance","overalltitle":"Your Overall IR Score:","percenttitle":"Percent of Questions you answered correctly","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking","percentcorrect":"Percent Correct","bottomofchart":"Percentile rankings compare your performance to 3 years of GMAT exams"},"timemanagement":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your mean response time for IR questions was {0} minutes. The Mean response time for this section is {1} minutes.","correct":"Your mean response time for questions you answered correctly was {0} minutes.","incorrect":"Your mean response time for questions you answered incorrectly was {0} minutes."},"title":"Time Management - Integrated Reasoning","topofchart":"Your Mean Response Time Per Question","overalltitle":"Overall Section","correcttitle":"Correct","incorrecttitle":"Incorrect"},"sidebar":{"meanscore":{"title":"Mean Score","scoretitle":"Mean Score:","percentile":"percentile","body":"



\n The three year mean GMAT Integrated Reasoning score is {0}. This score is better than\n {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years.\n


\n Note: GMAT scores are valid for five years. Even though your score won’t change, your percentile ranking may change when compared\n with a newer pool of applicants. Shifts tend to be gradual over long periods of time.\n

\n"},"meantime":{"title":"Mean Time","totaltitle":"Mean Time For All Test Takers:","minutes":"minutes","body":"



\n For all GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years the mean time to complete a question in the Integrated Reasoning, section is {0} minutes.\n

\n"}},"summary":{"title":"Summary"}},"verbaltab":{"title":"Verbal","overall":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your Verbal score of {0} is higher than {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}.","overallbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}."},"title":"Verbal Section Performance","overalltitle":"Your Overall Verbal Score:","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking","notenoughanswered":"Your Verbal Section enhanced scores are not available because you only completed {0} of the 36 questions in this section,\nthis does not meet the threshold needed to provide valid analysis."},"performancebysubsection":{"title":"Performance By Sub-Section","rankings":{"hovertext":{"section":"Your performance on {0} questions was equivalent to a score of {1}. Your score is better than {2}% of all sub-section scores recorded in the past three years, the mean for all test takers was {3}.","sectionbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this sub-section is {2}."},"title":"Sub-Section Rankings","crtitle":"Critical Reasoning","rctitle":"Reading Comprehension","sctitle":"Sentence Correction","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking","bottomofchart":"PERCENTILE RANKINGS COMPARE YOUR PERFORMANCE TO 3 YEARS OF GMAT EXAMS","samplesize":"Sample Size:"},"timemanagement":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your mean response time for {0} questions was {1}, compared to the mean of all sub-section scores recorded in the past three years which was {2}."},"title":"Sub-Section Time Management","topofchart":"Your Mean Response Time Per Question","overalltitle":"Overall Title","crtitle":"Critical Reasoning","rctitle":"Reading Comprehension","sctitle":"Sentence Correction"}},"performanceprogression":{"title":"Performance Progression","percentcorrect":{"hovertext":{"first":"In the first set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% incorrectly.","second":"In the second set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% incorrectly.","third":"In the third set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% either incorrectly or did not answer.","final":"In the final set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% either incorrectly or did not answer."},"title":"Percent Correct","charttitle":"Percent of Correct/Incorrect Answers","correct":"Correct","incorrect":"Incorrect","questionnumber":"Question Number"},"averagedifficulty":{"hovertext":{"first":"In the first set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}.","second":"In the second set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}.","third":"In the third set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}.","final":"In the final set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}."},"title":"Average Difficulty","charttitle":"Average Difficulty Per Question","all":"All","correct":"Correct","incorrect":"Incorrect","questionnumber":"Question Number"},"timemanagement":{"hovertext":{"first":"In the first set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer.","second":"In the second set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer.","third":"In the third set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer.","final":"In the final set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer."},"title":"Time Management","charttitle":"Average Time Per Response*","correct":"Correct","incorrect":"Incorrect","questionnumber":"Question Number"}},"sidebar":{"meanscore":{"title":"Mean Score","scoretitle":"Mean Score:","percentile":"percentile","body":"



\n The three year mean GMAT Verbal score is {0}. This score is better than\n {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years.\n


\n Note: GMAT scores are valid for five years. Even though your score won’t change, your percentile ranking may change when compared\n with a newer pool of applicants. Shifts tend to be gradual over long periods of time.\n

\n"},"meantime":{"title":"Mean Time","totaltitle":"Mean Time For All Test Takers:","minutes":"minutes","body":"



\n For all GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years the mean time to complete a question in the Verbal section is {0} minutes.\n

\n"}},"summary":{"title":"Summary"}},"quanttab":{"title":"Quantitative","notenoughanswered":"Your Quantitative Section enhanced scores are not available because you only completed {0} of the 31 questions in this section, this does not meet the threshold needed to provide valid analysis.","overall":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your Quantitative score of {0} is higher than {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}.","overallbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}."},"title":"Quantitative Section Performance","overalltitle":"Your Overall Quantitative Score:","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking"},"performancebysubsection":{"title":"Performance By Sub-Section","rankings":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your performance on {0} questions was equivalent to a score of {1}. Your score is better than {2}% of all sub-section scores recorded in the past three years, the mean for all test takers was {3}.","overallbelowmin":"Your score of {0} is in the lowest {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this sub-section is {2}."},"title":"Sub-Section Rankings","pstitle":"Problem Solving","dstitle":"Data Sufficiency","artitle":"Arithmetic","altitle":"Algebra/Geometry","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking","bottomofchart":"Percentile rankings compare your performance to 3 years of GMAT exams","samplesize":"Sample Size:"},"timemanagement":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your mean response time for {0} questions was {1}, compared to the mean of all sub-section scores recorded in the past three years which was {2}."},"title":"Sub-Section Time Management","overalltitle":"Overall Quantitative","topofchart":"Your Mean Response Time Per Question","pstitle":"Problem Solving","dstitle":"Data Sufficiency","artitle":"Arithmetic","altitle":"Algebra/Geometry"}},"performanceprogression":{"title":"Performance Progression","percentcorrect":{"hovertext":{"first":"In the first set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% incorrectly.","second":"In the second set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% incorrectly.","third":"In the third set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% either incorrectly or did not answer.","final":"In the final set of questions you answered {0}% correctly and {1}% either incorrectly or did not answer."},"title":"Percent Correct","charttitle":"Percent of Correct/Incorrect Answers","correct":"Correct","incorrect":"Incorrect","questionnumber":"Question Number"},"averagedifficulty":{"hovertext":{"first":"In the first set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}.","second":"In the second set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}.","third":"In the third set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}.","final":"In the final set of questions the average level of difficulty for questions presented to you was {0}."},"title":"Average Difficulty","charttitle":"Average Difficulty Per Question","all":"All","correct":"Correct","incorrect":"Incorrect","questionnumber":"Question Number"},"timemanagement":{"hovertext":{"first":"In the first set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer.","second":"In the second set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer.","third":"In the third set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer.","final":"In the final set of questions you spent an average of {0} minutes on each correct answer and {1} minutes on each incorrect answer."},"title":"Time Management","charttitle":"Average Time Per Response*","correct":"Correct","incorrect":"Incorrect","questionnumber":"Question Number"}},"sidebar":{"meanscore":{"title":"Mean Score","scoretitle":"Mean Score:","percentile":"percentile","body":"



\n The three year mean GMAT Quantitative score is {0}. This score is better than\n {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years.\n


\n Note: GMAT scores are valid for five years. Even though your score won’t change, your percentile ranking may change when compared\n with a newer pool of applicants. Shifts tend to be gradual over long periods of time.\n

\n"},"meantime":{"title":"Mean Time","totaltitle":"Mean Time For All Test Takers:","minutes":"minutes","body":"



\n For all GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years the mean time to complete a question in the Quantitative section is {0} minutes.\n

\n"}},"summary":{"title":"Summary"}},"awatab":{"overall":{"hovertext":{"overall":"Your AWA score of {0} is higher than {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years. The Mean score for this section is {2}."},"title":"Analytical Writing Assessment","overalltitle":"Your Overall AWA Score:","percentileranking":"Percentile Ranking"},"sidebar":{"meanscore":{"title":"Mean Score","scoretitle":"Mean Score:","percentile":"percentile","body":"



\n The three year mean GMAT AWA score is {0}. This score is better than\n {1}% of GMAT Exam scores recorded in the past three years.\n


\n Note: GMAT scores are valid for five years. Even though your score won’t change, your percentile ranking may change when compared\n with a newer pool of applicants. Shifts tend to be gradual over long periods of time.\n

\n"}},"subsection":{"baralabel":"Analysis","barblabel":"Relevancy","barclabel":"Organization","bardlabel":"Communication","hovertext":{"bara":"Analysis reflects how clearly your essay identified and analyzed important features of the argument","barb":"Relevancy reflects how effectively your essay supported the main points of the critique","barc":"Organization reflects how your essay developed and organized ideas and managed the transitions between them","bard":"Communication reflects how the essay demonstrated control of language, including diction, syntactic variety and the conventions of standard written English"},"title":"Sub-Section Ratings: Computer Results*","vantageerror":"Due the format used to write this essay, it is not machine scorable and no sub-score data is available. Essays that do not have sub-scores generally have a high frequency of spelling, punctuation and grammar problems that require a human reader to interpret.","vantagenotattempted":"The writing style of this essay prevented it from machine scoring, so no sub-score data is available. This is most often caused by a short essay, the use of repetitive statements, inclusion of non-English words, significant spelling errors or significant grammatical errors. \n\nEssays that cannot be scored by machine are scored by two professional essay raters, and that data is not available for use in the GMAT ESR.\n\n","verticalbottomtitle":"Weak","verticaltoptitle":"Strong"},"summary":{"pleasenote":"Please Note:","pleasenotetext":"The GMAT Enhanced Score Report AWA Sub-Section Ratings and Summary tab rely on the results of computer scoring and do not reflect the human input that contributes to your official GMAT score.","title":"Summary"},"awascorenotavailable":"This report is created before your Analytical Writing Essay is scored and will appear within 24 hours of the exam scores being made official. If the score has been cancelled for any reason, the information will not appear in the Enhanced Score Report.","title":"AWA","pageheader":"Analytical Writing Assessment","leadinline1":"The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) is not included in the GMAT Enhanced Score Report at this time. Please refer to your Official GMAT Score Report to find your AWA score.","leadinline2":"The following information will help you interpret your AWA score:","score6":" An AWA score of 6 reflects an outstanding essay. A cogent, well-articulated critique of the argument, demonstrating mastery of the elements of effective writing, and displaying the following characteristics:\n - Clearly identifies and insightfully analyzes important features of the argument\n - Develops ideas cogently, organizes them logically, and connects them smoothly with clear transitions\n - Effectively supports the main points of the critique\n - Demonstrates superior control of language, including diction and syntactic variety and the conventions of standard written English","score5":"An AWA score of 5 reflects a strong essay. A well-developed critique of the argument, demonstrating good control of the elements of effective writing, and displaying the following characteristics:\n - Clearly identifies important features of the argument and analyzes them in a generally thoughtful way\n - Develops ideas clearly, organizes them logically, and connects them with appropriate transitions\n - Sensibly supports the main points of the critique\n - Demonstrates clear control of language, including diction and syntactic variety\n - Demonstrates facility with the conventions of standard written English, but may have minor flaws","score4":"An AWA score of 4 reflects an adequate essay. A competent critique of the argument, demonstrating adequate control of the elements of effective writing, and displaying the following characteristics:\n - Identifies and capably analyzes important features of the argument\n - Develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily, but may not always connect them with transitions\n - Supports the main points of the critique\n - Demonstrates adequate control of language, including diction and syntactic variety, but may lack syntactic variety\n - Displays control of the conventions of standard written English, but may have some flaws","score3":"An AWA score of 3 reflects a competent but clearly flawed critique of the argument, demonstrating some control of the elements of effective writing, and displaying the following characteristics:\n - Does not identify or analyze most of the important features of the argument, although some analysis is present\n - Is limited in the logical development and organization of ideas\n - Offers support of little relevance and value for points of the critique\n - Uses language imprecisely and/or lacks sentence variety\n - Contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics","score2":"An AWA score of 2 reflects a seriously flawed essay, demonstrating significant weakness in analytical writing skills, and displaying the following characteristics:\n - Fails to show an understanding of and does not identify or analyze the main features of the argument\n - Does not develop ideas or is disorganized\n - Provides few, if any, relevant or reasonable supports\n - Has serious, frequent problems in the use of language and sentence structure\n - Contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that interfere with meaning","score1":"An AWA score of 1 reflects a fundamentally deficient essay, demonstrating fundamental deficiencies in analytical writing skills, and displaying the following characteristics:\n - Provides little evidence of the ability to understand and analyze the argument or to develop an organized response to it\n - Has severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure\n - Contains a pervasive pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics thus resulting in incoherence","score0":"An AWA score of 0 reflects an essay that was not scored. The essay is either totally illegible or obviously not written on the assigned topic."},"helptab":{"title":"ESR Guide"},"faqtab":{"title":"FAQ"},"footer":{"gmathandbook":"For more information about your GMAT exam scores, please read the GMAT Handbook (pdf)","fullversionbutton":"> Return To Full Report","fullversionbuttontooltip":"Return To the Full Report","textversionbutton":"> View Text Version","textversionbuttontooltip":"View the Text Only version.","downloadbutton":"> Download Report (PDF)","downloadbuttontooltip":"Download this report in PDF format.","downloadpleasewait":"Please wait ...","aboutus":"About Us","contactus":"Contact Us","eula":"EULA","privacycenter":"Privacy Center"}}